Monografias de Especialização
Plano para o enfrentamento da obesidade infanto-juvenil no distrito de Estevão de Araújo na cidade de Araponga-MG
Raquel Aparecida de Miranda Ferreira
Araponga is a city located in the Zona da Mata Norte de Minas Gerais , distant 280 km from the state capital with a population of just 8,152 inhabitants, for which a municipal diagnosis was performed in the second half of 2012, with the use of secondary sources with Information System for Primary Care (SIAB) and active observation. After the identification of critical nodes, habits and sedentary lifestyles, social pressure and endocrinological disorders, drew up as a goal an action plan to reduce childhood obesity. This plan aims to implement and support programs aimed at modifying lifestyle habits from childhood. For this, we used the method of Situational Strategic Planning. The result showed that, although not reaching all identified problems, this action plan will contribute to the reduction and prevention of child and adolescent obesity in order to help improve the quality of life of adolescents in the city of Araponga.