Dissertação de Mestrado
Avaliação da implementação da transparência pública na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Elida Mara Mascarenhas Pieri
This is a master's research paper that aimed to analyze the implementation of public transparency at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais UFMG). The questioning of the study was related to the fulfillment of the institution's role as mediator of access to public information to the society. It aimed to contribute to the realization of reflections regarding compliance with the Access to Information Act (Lei de Acesso à Informação LAI) by the University. The literature review has brought discussions about the importance of strengthening the culture of access to public information, to the detriment of the culture of secrecy, after the enactment of LAI in Brazil. It addressed the issue of social control, considered an essential mechanism for monitoring and controlling public actions, preventing corruption and strengthening democracy. The discussion about the contributions of Information Science (IC) to public transparency brought reflections on the relevance of the area for the success of the actions related to the information processes foreseen in LAI. To contextualize the study, a discussion was held regarding the implementation of LAI in public institutions of higher education, pointed out by the Ministry of Transparency and Comptroller-General of the Union (Controladoria Geral da União CGU). Relevant considerations have been brought about the UFMG's pursuit of compliance with public transparency, available in documents published by the institution. The research focused mainly on aspects related to the passive transparency of UFMG, characterized by the right to request access to the information accumulated by the public power, through the Electronic System of Information to Citizens (Sistema Eletrônico de Informação ao Cidadão e-SIC). Issues related to active transparency, document management, open data, internal flow, and other issues related to the LAI implementation were discussed. For this purpose, as a methodological course, it was carried out the data collection contained in instruments made available by the CGU, which made it possible to represent some issues related to the attendance of LAI by UFMG. The data contained in the statistical reports on requests for access to information and applicants, as well as the statistical reports on resources and complaints made within the scope of the LAI concerning the UFMG e-SIC between 2012 and 2017, were collected and analyzed. In addition, the monitoring surveys of LAI, made available by the CGU and applied to UFMG between 2013 and 2017, were checked. The level of satisfaction, understanding and expectation of the information applicants who participated in the satisfaction surveys conducted by CGU, through e-SIC, between 2012 and 2017, was also identified. The results of the research indicate that UFMG has sought to adapt to LAI, since it has invested in initiatives aimed at improving public transparency, both passive and active. However, it is considered that the institution still has some deficiencies, difficulties and challenges that must be faced, aiming at the search for the maximum transparency promoted by LAI.