Dissertação de Mestrado
Helmintoses de bufalinos no município de Dores do Indaiá - Minas Gerais.
Eduardo Bastianetto
The course of helminthosis in bubaline calves was researched for 11 months as of the birth of the first animal in 2003. Three experimental groups were studied: the first group was treated with irvermectin , the second with phenbendazole and the third group was used as the control group. The ponderal development and the influence of parasitoses were verified in the hematological profile of the animals. At the end of the experiment, at the time of the necropsy of one of the animals, the following species of helminth species were found: Toxocana vitulorum, Strongyloides papillosus, Cooperia punctata, Haemonchus similes, Haemonchus contortus, Oesophagostornnum radiatum, Ostertagia trifurcata and Paracooperia nodulosa. The evolution of the number of eggs per gram of feces ( O.P.G.) was verified during the experimental period. Significant statistical differences were found, among the treatment and properties with regard to some of the hematological parameters, ponderal development and the evolution of the number of O.P.G. during the period of evaluation.