Tese de Doutorado
Atividade funcional de fagócitos do colostro, de mães climatéricas, modulados por melatonina e cortisol na presença de giardia lamblia
Queli Lisiane Castro Pereira
Children are more susceptible to parasitic diseases and their infection may occur soon after birth. The Giardia lamblia ( G. lamblia ) is the main cause of diarrheal diseases in children and has a worldwide distribution.Colostrum contains important protective factors for diarrheal diseases as well, breastfeeding is associated with reduction in diarrhea rates and improving the nutritional status and immunoprotective proprieties for giardiasis in newborns. The socio-cultural changes and advances in medicine resulted in the expansion of the postponement of pregnancy what has been associated with pregnancy in older. The adverse perinatal outcomes in these women, probably due to the influence of hormonal changes typical of climacteric period. In the literature, the hormones melatonin and cortisol have been reported as potent immunomodulators, but no data were found regarding phagocytic activity of colostrum weather nursing mothers modulated by these hormones in the presence of the parasite. So the aim of this study is to evaluate the concentration of melatonin and cortisol in the supernatant of colostrum and the functional activity of phagocytes secretion in climacteric women, modulated by hormones in the presence of G. lamblia. Colostrum samples were collected from nursing mothers. Nursing mothers being included in reproductive age (18 to 35 years - control group), nursing mothers in transition (36-39 years) and climatic nursing mothers (over 40 years). We evaluated the concentration of hormone melatonin and cortisol in the supernatant of colostrum , colostrum cell immunophenotyping, superoxide anion release by mononuclear phagocytes (MN ) and Polymorphonuclear ( PMN ); the phagocytosis index of PMN and MN cells were evaluated in the presence of G. lamblia treated or not by hormones and the microbicidal activity of MN and PMN phagocytes in the presence of G. lamblia treated or not by hormones. We observed a greater concentration of melatonin and cortisol at the colostrum of nursing mothers. In the colostrum of mothers weather decreased the percentage of cells expressing CD14 + CD15 + marker and melatonin increased the release of superoxide both phagocytes MN as PMN colostrum of mothers in the process of transition and weather. In the presence of G. lamblia, a lower anion release by macrophages and PMN MN treated with melatonin, while phagocytes treated by increased cortisol release of superoxide in the presence of G.lamblia. There was an increase of phagocytosis of G. lamblia by MN phagocytes weather mothers. The highest rates of phagocytosis were observed in phagocytes MN and PMN mothers age of transition. Microbicides indexes for G. lamblia of MN phagocytes weather mothers were lower when these cells were treated by melatonin. High microbicides indexes for the parasite were found in phagocytes PMN mothers of the transition and climatic group. The functional activity of phagocytes colostrum modulated by hormones cortisol and melatonin to G. lamblia nursing mothers with older pregnancy may represent an additional mechanism of paramount importance to the protection and treatment of infections with parasites.