Tese de Doutorado
A maternidade, o momento do nascimento do primeiro filho e a situação da mulher no mercado de trabalho no Brasil: uma análise do salário e da adequação escolaridade/ocupação por grupos socioeconômicos
Maira Andrade Paulo
The century XX marks the entrance of women in the labor market. Although the great increase in the female labor participation in the last few decades, it is important to pay attention on the differences in labor characteristics between rnothers and non-mothers. A comprehension of these differences must take the maternity into account. The literature points that the presence of children is related to lower participation in the labor market (Angrist, 1998; Cruces & Galiani, 2003; Pazello, 2006; Souza et al, 2011), lower wage (Waldfogel, l997; Waldfogel, 1998; Buding & England, 2001; Pazello, 2006) and to a certain type of professional occupation (Hoem et al, 2006; Dias, 2007).Those differences also vary by socioeeonomic and education level of women. Among those women with higher educational level, the postponement of the maternity has been taking as a strategy to conciliate children and work. The international literature has pointed that, in the case of women with high possibility of tax return to an investment in human capital, they must have a wage prize when the birth of the rst child occurs in a moment of professional stability (Amuedo Dorantes & Kimmel, 2005; Herr, 2007; Miller, 2009). The main objective of the thesis is to investigate, in Brazil, the relationship between the maternity/moment at birth of first child and the situation of the women in the labor market, analyzing the Wage and the mismatch between years of schooling and occupation of the women of different socioeconomics levels throughout the last three decades. The specíc objectives of the work are: 1) to analyze the evolution of the taxes of the rst births among women with different years ofschooling; 2) to analyze the relationship between the maternity/the moment of birth of first child and the received Wage/hour in the labor market for women of different socioeconomics levels; 3) to analyze the relationship between the maternity/the moment of birth of rst child and the mismatch between years of schooling and occupation. The Demographíc Census data of 1980, 1991, 2000 and 2010 will be used in the execution of objective 1, while the data of the PNAD (National Research for Sample of Domicile) of 1984, 1992, l998, 2004 and 2009 Will bc used in the analysis of the maternity, and PNAD 2009, in the analysis of the moment at birth of first child.