dc.contributorDaniele Falci de Oliveira
dc.contributorMara Vasconcelos
dc.creatorFlavia dos Santos Gameleira
dc.description.abstractThe cervical cancer and breast cancer are the most prevalence cancers in the womens health. They are also curable diseases when timely diagnosed using the appropriate screening methods. The ESF goal, as primary health care, indicates that the physicians consultation must be the opportunity to realize the catchment of women for the screening of cervical cancer and breast cancer. The purpose of this work was analyze the knowledge production recommended for the prevention of cervical cancer and breast cancer. The theoretical foundation was done using scientific articles from Ministério da Saúde, Dynamed e FEBRASGO. Such foundation resulted at this present integrative bibliographic review of scientific productions from the research at Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), at SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) basis, using the follow research terms: rastreamento, Saúde da Família, Câncer de Mama e Câncer de Colo de Útero. From the 37 founded articles, were selected only those content shows the screening of cervical cancer and breast cancer at primary health care as the focus of the article or one of the central question of the analysis. Posterior, was identified 26 articles that does not match the predetermined limits and, therefore, were descarted. This estudy shows that there are effective recommendations to be adopted, must having routine exams realization, major team involvement and a strong link creation with women of the community. The decrease of death rates is related with screening measures. The Estratégia de Saúde da Família has fundamental part in healths education, searching for the integrality of actions. This study also shows that the most important are health actions having the community people interests and realities as references, whom are not fragmented, but the results of the chaining of social, political, cultural and environmental factors, among others. It was accomplished that the Ministério da Saúde guidelines are appropriate in terms of effectiveness for the reality of Brazil, since the program is implemented properly. Thus recommendations can be achieved through a good teamwork, using the system of active search of patients and following the presented recommendations along this study.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCâncer de colo de útero
dc.subjectSaúde da
dc.subjectCâncer de mama
dc.titleRevisão bibliográfica dos exames preconizados para prevenção de câncer em saúde da mulher
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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