Dissertação de Mestrado
Uma análise biogeográfica das florestas Pré-Andinas e Atlânticas a partir da modelagem de distribuição potencial de espécies arbóreas com distribuição disjunta
Leandro Ferreira da Silva
The face of the Earth is keep changing. In agree with this, the plant species, in particular, are always (re)organizing themselves in different scales of time and space, in association with biotic and physic factors changes. Especially in South America, it is possible to observe a great vegetation mosaic that suggests an environmental dynamism. Near to the latitude that marks the Capricorn Tropic, we can notice a big diversity of phytophysiognomy that, although they are distinct, they have some resemblance in its floristic composition. Furthermore, disjunct species pattern shows a possible past link between similar vegetations groups, but today, separated for extensive areas with contrasting environmental and vegetation. With the aim of investigate the link between the groups of vegetation that occur, mainly, in South Americas central region, this study intends, through Potential Species Distribution Modeling, to the present and past time, propose a possible connection or a dispersal corridor of the tree species with disjunct pattern in the Andes and Atlantic Domains. In order to do that, the data were extracted from NeoTropTree data base listing of species and environmental of WorldClim 1.4. Was made a modelling of currents correlations between the patterns of variations of the currents composition of the tree flora, how answer, and climates variables and spaces with predictors. The predictors variables selected, were employed in modelling of currents and past distributions of three subset (cloud, seasonal and rain forest). The past modeling were applied to the last pre-Glacial and Pleistocene Glacial periods, and to Middle-Holocene episodes. The generated predictions were representative according to the used parameters for the models validation. The generated models show a possible change in the species occupation over the considered period with the connections formation between the Andes and Atlantic Domains in the Last Integlacial and Last Maximo Glacial, suggesting, therefore, the formation of species dispersal corridor, nowadays, disjuncts