Dissertação de Mestrado
Um serviço web para o método dos elementos finitos
Luciana Sampaio Camara
The evolution and popularization of the Internet lead to its utilization as a platform, an environment that offers softwares and where its possible to save and access files. The Web Services appear, at this scenario, as a solution to the increasing need of exchanging informations among different systems through simple and public Internets established standards (XML, HTTP, TCP/IP ) and open technologies such as WSDL, UDDI and SOAP. The INSANE is a computational system of finite element models analysis. The goal of this masters thesis was to make its numerical kernel available as a Web Service to solve finite element models through the Internet. The developed Web Service may be consumed by different applications (Web applications, Desktop pre and post-processing graphics interfaces, microelectronics devices such as PDA and cellular phones, among others), since it adds to the system the Web Services features such as loose coupling, interoperability, reuse and flexibility. The systems updates occur in a transparent way to the user, since its implementation is concentrated at a single place, the server where the service is hosted. This services use can avoid the frequent re-implementation of already consolidated resources, available in finite element method softwares. Three examples of INSANE Web Services consumers are presented and one of them, the Web client, allows its use through the Internet, without the need of any other software besides the Web browser.