Dissertação de Mestrado
Tocar violão: um estudo qualitativo sobre os processos de aprendizagem dos participantes do Projeto Arena da Cultura
Fernando Macedo Rodrigues
This research aimed to study the procedures used by the participants of the Project "Arena da Cultura" of the City hall of Belo Horizonte when beginning to play the acoustic and electric guitar. These students, although admitting that they never had instrument classes or any contact with some teacher, actively participated in musical gatherings in their communities. Then, how did they learn to play? In this research, itwas used the qualitative or naturalistic method together with the aid of the etnografic techniques of data collections as, questionnaires, interviews and observation of the students' universe. Starting from the reports and under the perspective of the interviewees life histories I identified the procedures adopted in their guitar learning. The proximity with relatives and peers that play guitar influenced their choice and development of the learning in the instrument. Additional resources of this learningstood out: the use of the language of chords from guitar magazines and in the music from the internet, as well as the use of video-tapes and "playing by ear". The main conclusions were that the interviewees were taught by people of their relatives and friends that played the guitar and by the learning resources described, there were an improvement in their musical perception and a development in their guitar learning.