Monografias de Especialização
Classificação Ranganathiana da tabela de tipos de proposição do sistema de informação legislativa da Câmara dos Deputados: uma proposta metodológica
Reinaldo Sobrinho do Nascimento
Addresses the structural problems and informational of Table Types Proposition Legislative Information System, the Sileg, the Câmara dos Deputados, related to the classification of types documentary that institution, and used as a reference in the registry (data entry) and information retrieval, said legislative. Discusses the fundamentals of information architecture as a discipline of Information Science, forthe organization of Legislative Information, especially regarding the meaning, the representation theory of informational and classification. Provides a definition for Legislative Information, which has limited formal and material, and discusses the historical background of its availability to the Brazilian society, in compliance with the constitutional principles of openness and transparency of the acts of public bodies and the right of citizens to access and receive information of public agencies or otherinformation of their private interest. Applies and proves the feasibility of using the theory of faceted classification of Ranganathan, in the study and reorganization of Table Types Proposition Sileg, comprising the multifaceted characteristics of legislative proposals.