Avaliação do aumento na massa de bordos de ataque da asa de aviões comerciais projetados para resistir ao impacto com aeronaves remotamente pilotadas
Tomaz de Paula Drumond
During last years, the number of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), popular known as drones, operating in the sky of urban centers has quite increased, which represents an increase in the risk of an airborne impact, intentionally or not, between these vehicles and manned aircrafts. In a way to better understand the impact between an UAS and a commercial aircraft wing phenomena, the present work reproduces the event by means of numerical simulation and compare it with situations involving bird impact considering the current requirements. Initially, simulations are performed to validate the numerical model of a bird with dimensions as stipulated on requirement RBAC 25.571(e). Once the bird model is validated, it is used to perform the initial dimensioning of a wing fixed leading edge in a commercial aircraft. Posteriorly, it is performed the numerical models validation of the UAS most stiffened components, so they could be connected and represent the complete drone in an impact simulation. The wing fixed leading edge initially designed with the bird strike is subjected then to an impact with the UAS complete model in order to compare both scenarios involving the small aerial vehicle and animal. Results confirms that the UAS impact is more critical due to its structure that is composed by harder and more stiffened materials, which induces higher and more concentrated loads in the impacted structure. In order to grant the flight safety after an impact with the UAS evaluated, reinforcements are assessed in the wing fixed leading edge structure. Finally, it is found that reinforcements positioned in the spar and the use of an additional structure placed behind the skin are capable to grant the flight safety after impact, although both proposals induce a mass increase in the wing structure of 13% and 10%, respectively.