Monografias de Especialização
Organização da demanda espontânea da Atenção Básica
Kamila Silva Marins
The Family Health Strategy (FHS), a program implemented by the Federal Government, follows 12.301 households in the city of Coronel Fabriciano, a total of 103.694 inhabitants, through twelve Basic Health Units The Health Unit St. Therese, located in the neighborhood St. Therese II, has a registered population of approximately 10 thousand inhabitants. Of these 4.500 users are registered at the FHS single team consisting of a physician, a nurse, a nursing technician and 12 Community Agents of Health. Unit is being restructured with the aim of registering all the enrolled population Family Health Strategy. To better know the territory, a situational diagnosis was made. To support this diagnosis, we used quantitative and qualitative data. In a meeting with that team, after identifying existing disorders at the same disorganization of spontaneous demand as terminal problem to be faced was distinguished. Thus, this work aimed to propose a protocol of care for the planning and organization of spontaneous demand of the Health Unit St. Therese. As such, there is narrative literature in the Virtual Health Library manuals and the Ministry of Health with the descriptors: reception and family health strategy. The preparation protocol was based on the method of Situational Strategic Planning, developed by Chilean Carlos Matus (1989, 1993). From the drafting of intervention we devised a plan of action - seeking face the critical nodes established as causes of the problem. It is therefore necessary to monitor the steps and results of actions taken, for the success of this mission will not be threatened. Meeting the spontaneous demand should be made of qualified and organized manner, otherwise primary care will not be resolute, causing overload on the service itself and also in tertiary care.