Monografia (especialização)
A criação de valor para as empresas através do conhecimento gerado pelas redes sociais
Giselle Azevedo Batista
The current digital age is the main pillar of the knowledge economy and the
great facilitator of the process of sharing ideas. The behavior of employees and
consumers has changed. Sharing ideas is the foundation of networks. Any exchange
of information and knowledge passes through a network of actors and form a chain of
values recognized by the market. What are the most important influences for the
formation of networks of value within the company? How to get valuable knowledge
and manage it in the social networks of businesses and organizations?
This work will be based concepts of knowledge, learning, organizational
communication, social networking Web 2.0, market value, innovation and safety in
the use of social networks. All aiming to define the use of social networks as a trainer
of value from the generation of new knowledge for firms.
This study aims to identify how these interactions, from social networks can
create value for companies and organizations, demonstrating how they are defined
and contribute to the emergence of new and relevant knowledge to form value within