Monografias de Especialização
Reutilização em engenharia de requisitos
Gerson Lúcio Ferreira
Requirements analysis is part of the Requirements Engineering which is in charge of the initial phase of development. This complexity is in capturing the needs and desires of the client and communicate them to others involved in the project. This document aims to present how you to improve reuse of the software artifacts produced during requirements analysis. Through this reuse, the systems analysts have the opportunity to standardize, customize, and refine the artifacts produced for a system. With that analysis, a requirement engineer can devote more time to servethe interests of their clients and assist developers about business and systems under their responsibility. In this work, we used the Unified Modeling Language (UML) supported by the CASE tool Enterprise Architect to enable the reuse of requirements artifacts of the analysis. The possibility of creating a library to complete this analysis phase aims to reduce the cost and effort of software development teams.