dc.contributorRoselene Ecco
dc.contributorWalter dos Santos Lima
dc.contributorJosé Luiz Catão Dias
dc.creatorIsabela de Oliveira Avelar
dc.description.abstractStudies of infectious diseases in wild animals, especially those caused by helminths, relating its pathology, incidence and distribution of etiological agents in captivity and free populations of wild animals are little reported. The objective of this study was to identify helminths and gross and histological lesions caused by endoparasites in free and captive wild mammals and birds, and describe the morphological characteristics of helminths in histological sections. Parasitized organs obtained from necropsy of 11 birds and 5 mammals from the Centro de Triagem de Animais Selvagens of Belo Horizonte and conservationists and sponsoring entities in the metropolitan area of Minas Gerais were evaluated. The organs were assessed separately and analyzed carefully. The contents of the organs were retained in a container, passed through a fine mesh sieve of 150 m and examined under a stereomicroscope. Nematodes recovered were fixed with heated 10% formalin and clarified in Lactophenol Amann.Trematodes and cestodes were compressed between glass slides, fixed with cold 10% formalin, stained by the Acetocarmin Semichon and diaphanized in creosote. Trematodes paramphistomes were found parasitizing the cecum of two capybaras, causing chronic enteritis. Oslerus osleri was found in the trachea and main bronchi of a Hoary Fox and two Maned Wolves, being the first report in the Lycalopex vetulus (Hoary Fox). Dioctophyme renale was also found in the right kidney of the first Maned Wolf causing total loss of renal parenchyma and function. A severe infection by cestode Pseudophyllidea (causing megaloblastic anemia) was found in the small intestine of the Maned Wolf two. Eustrongylides nematodes were found in a Black-crowned Night Heron causing marked diffuse granulomatous ventriculitis. Paratanaisia bragai was first described in the kidney of a Red-billed Curassow and a Black-fronted Piping-Guan, causing ectasia of tubules and ureters, and leading to a mild inflammatory reaction. In psittaciformes, Pionus fuscus died due to intestinal obstruction by intense parasitism by Ascaridia and macaws had a moderate infestation by nematodes of capillarridae family, causing enteritis only in hybrid macaw. Sicarius uncinipenis was found in the ventricle of two Rheas, causing a parasitic ventriculitis, while Deletrocephalus cesarpintoi was present in the small and large intestine. Histologically, endothelial cells of various organs maned wolf two were observed numerous parasitic structures compatible with Rangelia vitalli. The results obtained in this study allow us increase the knowledge about the helminths, in captivity and free-living wild animals. Also, the results alert for prescription of anthelmintics as prophylactic measure in animals that are received in CETAS and also in clinical and conservationists places.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAnimais selvagens
dc.titleIdentificação parasitológica e histopatológica das endoparasitoses em animais selvagens
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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