dc.contributorElcio Loureiro Cornelsen
dc.contributorLuciano Pereira da Silva
dc.contributorMarilita Aparecida Arantes Rodrigues
dc.contributorRogério Othon Teixeira Alves
dc.contributorSérgio Manuel Merêncio Martins
dc.creatorLuciana Cirino Lages Rodrigues Costa
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to investigate a trajectory of the construction of the Sports Palace, officially known as Felipe Drummond Journalist Stadium and popularly known as Mineirinho. The interface was used as a database and the processes were executed in the period, how and why it was planned and how the logo was used after its inauguration. The temporal cut of the research is between 1959, when Law 1947/59 was published, the legal framework that fomented the origin of the Sports Palace, and the year 1980, when it was inaugurated. We start from the hypothesis that its construction would be in line with the sport and leisure policy implemented at the national level, and that it would be a possibility to echo a positive discourse of the military regime, as well as the conformation of the subjects, through sport and leisure. Anchored in a historiographical investigation, the study was based on the literature related to Physical Education studies, especially in the history of Physical Education related to public policy and Sports and Leisure studies, related to urbanization, especially in the region of Pampulha, and those from oral history. The sources researched were the documents originating, in particular, the ADEMG, legislations, Belo Horizonte Mayors Reports, periodicals and 5 testimonies collected from ADEMG-related persons, with the construction or management of the gymnasium, which contributed to the identification of his memory and for the construction of the narrative about his history. The thesis is organized in 4 chapters, in the following approach: presentation of context and political arrangements in sports and leisure, involving the construction of large public facilities in Belo Horizonte; notes on the urbanization of Belo Horizonte, especially in the Pampulha region and the relationship with the construction of the Mineirão, the University Sports Center and the Mineirinho; aspects related to the construction of Mineirinho and its use soon after its inauguration; and finally, a brief presentation on aspects identified, especially during the documentary research, in Mineirinho itself, about its relationship with the present day. The sources gave us the following indications: in an interrelated way, the construction of the Mineirinho, the Mineirão and the University Sports Center, contributed to the transformation of the landscape of Pampulha, especially the region closest to them; the emergence of Mineirinho in the landscape of Pampulha is related to the policy that was implemented in the late 1960s, in which the occupation and control of young people, especially university students linked to the UFMG, were sought. the Government of Minas Gerais and the university itself, each with its own motivations; its planning sought to offer to the region in which it is located, and to the city of Belo Horizonte, a great place that would stimulate the development and development of different sports modalities, especially those related to amateur sports (also referred to as specialized sports) cultural activities and promote leisure; in the present day, transformations of its initial planning, reflections of recent social processes are observed.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Estudos do Lazer
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPolíticas públicas
dc.subjectEstádios - Belo Horizonte (MG) - História
dc.titleMineirinho, dos planos ao concreto: memória e história do Palácio dos Esportes de Belo Horizonte (1959-1980)

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