Monografia (especialização)
Pessoas desaparecidas: o papel do estado na disponibilização de informação como solução ao problema
Fabiana Pereira dos Santos
The work is a study of usability and ergonomics in government websites that focus on
providing information on missing persons. Through a literature review is outlined an
overview of the paradigm lived in today's society, called by some authors of "Information
Society". The work also brings the concept of informational governance and the need for
the state to practice it to aid in the development of full citizenship of individuals, and
show that this practice can assist in developing and solving disappearances cases. The
phenomenon of disappearances in Brazil is treated as a complex social problem that
needs to be discussed in greater depth to a better conceptualization and creation of
laws that help in its solution. We analyzed four government websites, one covering the
whole country and the other three regions of Brazil. The analysis of government
websites in vogue brings the concept of usability in website and the benefits this practice
brings to users. It was concluded that there is still much to be done to solve the problem
of missing civilians in Brazil, but there have been some government action in this regard.
With respect to government websites, although they are far from meeting to
requirements for maximum usability, the present design harmonic analysis and cause a
good impression at first sight, because all use colors that do not harm the eyes of users.
However, none of them uses multimedia resources such as audio or video, and
interaction capabilities such as instant online chats.