Dissertação de Mestrado
Estudo de correlação entre lesões ao abate e ganho de peso diário de suínos
Marcos Horacio Rostagno
At slaughter, individual pig lungs, snout, liver and intestine were examined for lesions of pnenmtonia, atrophic rhinitis, ascariasis and enteritis, respectively. Of the 164 crossbred pigs examined, 88 were castrated males and 76 were females, all from comercial production herd, localized in Ponte Nova city, Minas Gerais. The animals were individually identified for sex, age and live weight, to obtain daily gain. It was studied the existence of correlation between the frequency and severity of lesions at slaughter, and the daily gain of males and females. There was a significant difference (p<0,05) between the growth rate of males and females. The males showed a 10,1% supmior daily gain than females. There was a no significant difference, for the daily gait; between groups of animals with diiiierent frequency and severity degree of limg, snout, liver and intestinal lesions.