Monografias de Especialização
A visão dos professores sobre a relação da organização do tempo e espaço nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem na educação infantil
Valeria Fatima Rosa Pereira
This project aims to analyze the point of view of the children education teachers regard to the organization of the space of time and its influence in the teaching process and the learning of the children. The same project was developed at the Vila Cristina town children Center in the city of Betim. This project has a qualitative approach and had as its theoretical framework authors who bring important contributions in the organization of the spaces/environments as a facilitator in the little children learning process (Zabalza, Horn, Forneiro, Moura and many others). The project was done through observations, interviews and informal conversations. Upon the analyses of the data one can conclude that the organization of the spaces/environments is fundamental in the children learning process, but the teachers is expected to have a planning of this organization, especially the comprehension of the conception of child that each one has. Its a constant quest of information, continued formations that may be able to improve the project, even considering the infrastructure of some institutions.