Cidade queer: uma autobiografia plural
Adriana Galuppo Negrão
A dissident body can ocuppy and make itself visible in the urban space through many ways. But a body, beyond its materiality also exists as an image. An image that reinforces or deviates from the gender norms. The LGBT body-images have been occupying, claiming and building space in the city of Belo Horizonte for years. As a drawing of a map that comes from the edges to the center or that wanders between the edges going back to the center, the ways and strategies of these body-images are drawn in order to make them adapted to the space as part of the everyday imagination, building a queer city despite of the norm. Questioning about gender and sexuality cultural constructs and also about the production, circulation and use of the image to keep or dissolve those constructs connects the pieces of this work that emerges from my own biography as an LGBT person and finds other dissident biographies from the history of the city to follow this thinking. Through encounters in the past and in the present with these peers that challenge the normative logic in order to occupy the space of public use and to build new ways of sociability I aim to develop new settings to the concepts of visibility, invisibility, transit and occupation of the city seeking the right to a more livable life and recognition.