Dissertação de Mestrado
Perfil da violência contra a mulher perpetrada por parceiro íntimo no município de Betim, MG
Lania Maria Soares
This study is part of the research "Health and Violence: assistance for the creation of Policies for Health Promotion and Violence Prevention" (Saúde e Violência: Subsídios para a Formulação de Políticas de Promoção de Saúde e Prevenção da Violência SAUVI ), a household survey conducted in Betim, Minas Gerais, in 2014 and 2015. Its goal is to investigate the profile of violence against women committed by an intimate partner in the city of Betim. The city is considered one of the most violent in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, with a high incidence of homicide cases of young people in social vulnerability. The stratified cluster sampling method was used in three stages, being: census tract, household and respondent, using the Kish selection grid. The sample consisted of 689 women, aged 20 years or more, residing in 1129 selected households. The following conditions were used: sociodemographic age bracket, education, marital status, race or color, income, housing condition and occupation; health chronic diseases (physical and psychiatric), use of alcohol and other drugs, medication use; and violence by intimate partner violence existence and its consequences. A logistic regression analysis model was adjusted in this study to examine the relationship between violence against women by intimate partner and the explanatory variables related to the sociodemographic factors and health conditions. This model pointed to the direct correlation of the occurrence of violence by intimate partner with the age group, education and anxiety disorder of the women investigated.