Tese de Doutorado
26 poetas ontem: Belo Horizonte literária
Kaio Carvalho Carmona
The research conducts an analysis of the poetic production that took place in the city of Belo Horizonte, in the 1980-2000 period, and its relationship with the aesthetic movements canonized in the twentieth century, such as modernism, concrete poetry and marginal poetry. Through the reading of texts written by 26 poets, in this period, the study establishes thematic and contextual relations of the production, as well as a historical and literary overview of the capital of Minas Gerais, since its very beginning in 1897, from its main names and magazines which had presence in the city during the twentieth century, building a kind of narrative line over the collective imaginary of Belo Horizonte. Among the different paths taken by the poets, this work privileges the thematic axis 'word-body-space' as a representation of the essential force of the investigated group of poets. Besides, the research provides the reader an organization of poetic texts of the city, and an anthology of the analyzed texts, towards a better understanding and dissemination of poetry produced in Belo Horizonte, in the late twentieth century.