dc.contributorJesus Santiago
dc.contributorNadia Laguardia de Lima
dc.contributorTania Coelho dos Santos
dc.creatorVirginia Celia Carvalho da Silva
dc.description.abstractInsofar as it is an eminently clinical concept, fantasy plays a capital role in psychoanalysis. Taking that into account, the present research proposes a retroactive reading of this concept in Freud, aiming to locate its logic. In order to do so, one searches to precise the earliest uses ofthe term, revealing its decisive importance to the invention of psychoanalysis. One also intended to identify possible modifications in the use of this notion. The first one refers to a more descriptive feature of fantasy, and demonstrates the plurality of its presentation in neurosis. A wilderness of fantasies expression coined by Jacques Lacan was perceived in this initial moment. Besides implying a great quantity of something, the term wilderness denotes a place that has not suffered the full intervention of civilizatory processes. The first chapter of this dissertation focused on these two versants of fantasy, showcasing its variety of presentations, as well as the fact that it pushes the neurotic patient further away from reality. A second moment of Freuds démarche can be extracted from a text that operates a twist in his thoughts on fantasy, that is, the article from 1919, entitled A child is being beaten: acontribution to the study of the origin of sexual perversions. In the latter, Freud deals with a fantasy commonly found in patients account, in order to formalize its functioning. That leads him to a fundamental versant, namely the Oedipal scar. This mark, carried by the neurotic subject throughout his/her life, is an answer to what he/she believes is expected from him/her by the Other, being used by him/her as a framing of reality. His/her way of perceiving the world is framed by fantasy, that works both as a screen that hides reality and a window that grants him/her some access to the same. Fantasy points towards a limit regarding speech,insofar as it is not possible to access this mark via signifier. Through this optic, the aforementioned Freudian text so relevant to psychoanalysis and widely emphasized by Lacan brought about a third moment of argumentation, based on the notion of construction, referred to in 1919 and further developed in 1937, in the text Constructions in analysis. In this third moment, it was possible to recognize the idea of construction as a cornerstone of Freuds logic of fantasy, as well as the reduction of the wilderness of fantasies to fantasy as a scar. These operations, insofar as they reach the limits of speech, evidentiate an endless versant of analysis: the rock of castration. The insistence in trying to represent this endless versant leads analysis towards an interminable point. For considering that the logic of treatment is equivalent to the logic of fantasy and also for taking seriously the Freudian idea of drive as something that cannot be destroyed, Lacan introduces this dimension into analysis instead of fighting against it. He understands that in order to live, drive must cross the plane of identifications, in which the subject strives to accomplish what pleases the Other, and is therefore imprisoned in this movement. The crossing of the fantasy notion absent in Freuds theorization alongside with reduction and construction were approached in the third chapter of this dissertation as the three pillars of the logic of fantasy. The present work concludes, therefore, that there is a logic of fantasy in Freuds work, and still that, if Lacan could gofurther than Freud, it was because he affirmed that this logic plays a crucial role in the logic of the cure.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectTravessia da fantasia
dc.subjectLógica da fantasia
dc.titleDa selva imaginária à fantasia fundamental: variações sobre a lógica da fantasia em Freud
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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