dc.contributorEfigenia Ferreira e Ferreira
dc.contributorCarlos Jose de Paula Silva
dc.contributorJuliana Vilela Bastos
dc.contributorAlzira de Oliveira Jorge
dc.creatorSilvilene Giovane Martins
dc.description.abstractOBJECTIVES: Evaluate the experience with victims of maxillofacial trauma due to urban violence, in front of health services and professionals/attendance imbued with violence, as active or passive victims of urban violence and what implications involved in this experience. METHODS: this is a transversal study developed in the Surgery Services and oral maxillofacial Traumatology in the Hospital of João XXIII (HPS), Odilon Behrens Hospital (HOB) and Maria Amélia Lins Hospital (HMAL) in Belo Horizonte city, Minas Gerais State. These units are emergency hospitals specialized in the treatment of polytraumatized. they are reference in the medical assistance of the victims of maxillofacial trauma for Belo Horizonte and metropolitan region. The data were collected through questionnaires (Appendix 1) during a doctorate research realized between the months October to December at the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively, in the college of Dentistry of UFMG. It will be Included in this study data of 813 victims of both sexes and all age groups and 45 professionals specialized in buccomaxillofacial surgery and traumatology participated in this study phase. The patients were selected for convenience, that is, those who were in the hospitals seeking the emergency service on the selected days for the questionnaires. It was considered the patient able to read/listen and respond to the questionnaire, diagnosed with maxillofacial trauma, over 18 years of age, victims of any type of urban violence (interpersonal aggression and traffic accidents) and who agreed to respond the questionnaire. In the case of minors, the questionnaire was answered by the parents or guardians. The same form was included in the study the data of the professionals on duty on days selected for the questionnaire, who agreed to respond to the questionnaire were included in the study. The questionnaires were applied using the same form of interview during the attendance time. The patients questionnaire consisted of 16 items, such as age, gender, event considerations about event (eight items), about the attendance received (four items) and about the possible implications in their lives (two items). The professional questionnaire included 12 items, the institution's routine in the emergency (four items) and the relations established with the patient (eight items). The analyzes had involved descriptive statistics. RESULTS: The study allowed us to identify that the health professionals are not immune at the violence of the cases assisted in the job process that leads the suffering of these that faced a physical and emotional trauma, in the pain of other. Support the pain of other the health professionals adopt a posture of defense, impartiality, or even the annihilation of the action capacity to confront the violence, which imposes the victims of violence a medical model that denies the prerogatives of subject is the patients depersonalization, the disruption with a humanized care, denial as the subject of right. CONCLUSIONS: The violence is present in the emergency services as concrete demand day by day. The relations between the health professionals and victims of violence are imbued with power and symbolic violence too. The victims and perpetrators of violence, health professionals and users victims of Violence can use the humanization to establish positive relations and propositive indispensable for the consolidation and sustentation of a policy and a the culture of peace.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectProfissionais de saúde
dc.subjectTrauma maxilofacial
dc.subjectEmergência de saúde
dc.subjectViolência urbana
dc.titleO evento de violência urbana e o serviço de emergência do SUS: a voz do usuário e do profissional de saúde
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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