| Monografias de Especialização
Avaliação da implantação do subsistema nacional de vigilância epidemiológica em âmbito hospitalar no estado de Pernambuco
Noemia Teixeira de Siqueira Filha
In 2004, the Health Ministry instituted the so called National Subsystem of Hospitalar Epidemiologic Surveillance, focusing on amplifying detection, notification and investigation of diseases of compulsory notification, by Epidemiology Hospitalars Centers. The subsystem preconizes financial profits for the participating hospitals being provided, following a previously established classification. The study aims evaluating the level of implantation of centers in the hospitals which form the subsystem in Pernambuco, as well the adequation on classifying them. It was taken a procedure evaluation of structure components, analysis and process of official documents. From evaluated centers, three of them have shown satisfatory implantation level, other one acceptable, two unsatisfactory and one critical. The hospital classification, considering resources providing criteria, was adequated in only two hospitals. The researchs results shown that upgrades in centers structures had been done, specially with the acquisition of furniture and equipments, however the non adequation of human resources (quality and qualifying) and the bureaucratic limitations for receiving and using resources, constituted the main obstacles for developing activities in the centers.