Dissertação de Mestrado
Geografias da cidade: sobre interpretações de operários da construção civil
Amador da Luz Moreira Filho
This research of exploratory feature dialogues with two fields: (1) Studies about the city and (2) the theory of social thought. Its aim is to apprehend the interpretation of the civil construction workers about the category city. It discusses the constitution of the modern science and its relation to coloniality from the postcolonial perspective. It also discusses the Eurocentric feature of science, resulting in the absence of interlocution with other matrices of knowledge. It is intended to relate the referred readings about science to the knowledge production about the city, important theme to the geographical subject. Based on that, it is discussed the necessity that other readings of the world, differentfrom those traditionally consolidated, participate rightfully of the production of knowledge from the cognitive form of their propositions. One of the assumptions here adopted refers to the identification of the civil construction workers in their condition of low position subjects. And then, we consider them subjects who are constructors of strategies and knowledge from the daily life; and their experiences of shortness andsolidarity, low knowledge of techniques, money and organization, giving them creative specificities, integrating them organically in their territories.