dc.contributorCornelis Johannes Van Stralen
dc.contributorMarcus Vinicius de Oliveira Silva
dc.contributorPaula Cambraia de Mendonca Vianna
dc.creatorJairo Tadeu Guerra
dc.description.abstractThe process of deinstitutionalization occurred in Brazil in 1987 had as one of the most striking features of the active participation of the movement of the consumers of mental healt (movimento antimanicomial). However, such a process, despite numerous advances in the field constitute the legislative and healthcare, today presents discontinuities and resistance in various social spaces. In this study we sought to know the process of mobilizing the antiasylum movement in Ipatinga/MG, through case study of the Associação Loucos por Você. To do so, restored to its history of mobilization by documentary evidence and interviews with their leaders. For data analysis we used the technique of the Collective Subject Discourse. The results showed that the movement was initially formed as a group for the political struggle forthe implementation of a Psychosocial Care Center in the city, but his identity was changing from internal and external needs. Slowly, the group became a forum for publicizing the many forms of suffering experienced by patients and families in their daily lives. This suffering publicized triggered the politicization of relations of exclusion that have become the target of several interventions in the field of culture and care. The motion also sought to intervene in improving the health care model still considered unfamiliar and asylum as it continued admissions to psychiatric hospitals in Belo Horizonte even after the implementation of CAPS.It can be seen that the mobilization organized by the Association Crazy for You allowed the politicization of many exclusive relationships that produce ethical-political suffering and opens wais for experimentation with new experiences marked by solidarity and respect for differences among the members themselves, in different areas on life.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectReforma psiquiátrica
dc.subjectMovimento antimanicomial
dc.subjectAssociação de Usuários e Familiares
dc.subjectMovimentos sociais
dc.titleLoucos por você: usuários e familiares na luta pela desinstitucionalização
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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