Dissertação de Mestrado
Efeito da Niedenzuella multiglandulosa em coelhas gestantes e em embriões bovinos produzidos in vitro
Valquiria Bull
Niedenzuella (Tetrapterys) multiglandulosa perennial cypress occurring in Southeastern and Midwestern Brazil has been correlated with outbreaks of intoxication in cattle, generating economic losses related to death of animals due to heart failure, miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal mortality. The pathogenesis of the lesions is still unknown and there are controversies regarding the factors that trigger the occurrence of abortions. The objective of this research was to evaluate the potential of induction of embryonic and fetal death of N. multiglandulosa in rabbits and to determine the embryotoxic potential of the plant in vitro bovine embryos. Fifteen pregnant rabbits were randomly distributed in three groups (1, 2 and 3), with five animals each. After 12 days and 21 days of gestation, groups named 2 and 3, respectively, received 10 g / kg fresh young leaves of N. multiglandulosa. The group 1 functioned as a control and was monitored until parturition. The animals were evaluated by daily physical examination and ultrasound every five days. Hematological and biochemical analyzes were performed before and after parturition. After the parturition, the rabbits and the neonates / fetuses were euthanizes and the anatomo-histopathological evaluation was carried out. To perform the in vitro study, five replicates of bovine embryo culture were distributed in two groups: extract, where 2.7 mg / mL of aqueous plant extract (10%) was administered to the culture, and control, without extract. Embryonic development and hatchability were evaluated qualitatively and comparatively up to the ninth day of culture in both groups. N. multiglandulosa did not cause abortion in the rabbits at the doses and time of exposure. The physical, hematological and biochemical exams did not change. Ultrasonography revealedlower echogenicity of the fetal skeleton in groups 2 and 3. Histopathological examination revealed acute focal nephrosis and discrete hydropic degeneration in the heart of the rabbits. It is concluded that N. multiglandulosa does not cause abortion in rabbits, but it takes embryonal underdevelopment at the dose of 27mg/mL.