dc.contributorRodrigo Lassarote Lavall
dc.contributorJoão Paulo Campos Trigueiro
dc.contributorLuiz Carlos Alves de Oliveira
dc.contributorTúlio Matêncio
dc.creatorPedro Santos Candiotto de Oliveira
dc.description.abstractIn this work, the synthesis and characterization of different materials were performed: graphene oxides and poly(ionic liquids), aiming to develop electrodes and electrolytes for the preparation of solid-state supercapacitors. The thermal, morphologic, textural, spectroscopic, and electric properties of those materials were studied aiming to establish structure-property correlations. Three thermally reduced graphene oxides (Tr-GOs) and two poly(ionic liquid)/ionic liquid (PIL/IL) redox gel electrolytes based on the active molecules anthraquinone (AQ) and 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) were synthesized. Those materials were utilized in the construction of solid-state supercapacitors containing redox activity. The Tr-GO materials, utilized as electrodes, were characterized by aiming to evaluate their structures and properties, to confirm and optimize the reduction process. The poly(ionic liquids) synthesized: PIL AQ and PIL TEMPO were characterized to attest to the success of their synthesis process and then utilized in the preparation of the two PIL/IL electrolytes, that were evaluated in three-electrode cells to enable the comprehension of the redox activity electrolytes in the presence of the graphene oxide electrodes. Three-electrode cell measurements have shown that the three Tr-GOs prepared were suitable for utilization as electrode materials within each of the developed electrolytes. The Tr-GO reduced at the temperature of 950oC (Tr-GO 950) has shown the best electrochemical performance among the three materials, based on the correlation with its morphological properties. The electrolytes PIL AQ/BMPYRRO TFSI and PIL TEMPO/BMPYRRO TFSI were successfully synthesized and have shown electrochemically active, being able to transfer electrons at the interface with the electrodes. The three-electrode cell measurements were fundamental to comprehending the electron transfer processes for each of the redox electrolytes and allowed to obtain good capacitance values in this configuration. Finally, a solid-state supercapacitor was developed by combining the two redox electrolytes synthesized (bielectrolyte) containing Tr-GO 950 as electrode material, PIL AQ/BMPYRRO TFSI as the electrolyte in the negative semi-cell (anolyte) and PIL TEMPO/BMPYRRO TFSI as the electrolyte in the positive semi-cell (catholyte). The device has presented an 81.4 F g-1 capacitance, 59.9W h g-1 energy density, and 281W kg-1 power density, which are among the best values in the literature. This demonstrates that the utilization of poly(ionic liquid)/ionic liquid redox gel electrolytes in the solid-state for the development of supercapacitors have shown to be an excellent strategy for the development of high-performance solid-state energy storage devices.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Química
dc.rightsAcesso Restrito
dc.subjectSupercapacitor sólido
dc.subjectÓxido de grafeno termicamente reduzido
dc.subjectPoli(líquido iônico) com atividade redox
dc.subjectEletrólito polimérico gel
dc.subjectSolid-state supercapacitor
dc.subjectThermally reduced graphene oxide
dc.subjectRedox-active poly(ionic liquid)
dc.subjectGel polymer electrolyte
dc.titlePreparação e caracterização de supercapacitor sólido birredox baseado em eletrodos de óxido de grafeno reduzido e eletrólitos poliméricos géis

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