dc.contributorAna Maria Costa da Silva Lopes
dc.contributorMatilde Meire Miranda Cadete
dc.creatorGirlane Lopes da Silva
dc.description.abstractViolence against women is a public health problem and is configured as a global and for the most part silent epidemic . This study considers that the information and mutual support are essential to make women aware of their rights, enabling its passage from the victim of his own history agent position, whereas it is possible to intervene before the violent act becomes a reality . We used the methodology of the literature review , a non- systematic review of some publications on the topic chosen in databases of the Ministry of Health , IBGE , Brazilian information system of the municipality , journals and official documents , articles , books , dissertations and theses order to support the construction and implementation of the protocol . Was defined as descriptors Search: Violence against women, Women's rights, intervention studies . We developed an intervention project aimed at using " wheels conversation" as a method of transmission, construction of spaces of hospitality , information and psychological empowerment. What is aimed at improving the reporting of cases by health professionals so you can develop strategies to promote the proper flow of assistance and prevention of cases of violence against women by family health team in a city.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectViolência Contra a Mulher
dc.subjectEstudos de Intervenção
dc.subjectDireitos da Mulher
dc.titleViolência contra a mulher a informação pode ser o melhor remédio
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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