dc.contributorVirginia Mascarenhas Nascimento Teixeira
dc.contributorLivia Cozer Montenegro
dc.creatorDaniely dos Anjos Muniz Soares
dc.description.abstractThe mental health care has been set to challenge for professionals working in primary health care and may facilitate the (re) insertion of individuals in psychological distress. This study aimed to discuss educational practices developed at present about mental health care inprimary health care. It is an integrative literature review, using studies published in the 2010 and 2014 period, located in the Virtual Health Library For this, the following descriptors were used:. Primary health care, mental health and health education. At the end of the search, wereselected and analyzed 13 articles. The data obtained in the studies analyzed showed: lack of articulation (or poor articulation) between primary health care and mental health; assistance based on the biological model, centered on the disease; limited or misleading perception of health professionals about mental health and lack of team-responsibility; educational practices in mental health aimed at primary care professionals. Among the educational practices found,there is those based on the methodology of the conversation wheel, discussion groups and social drama. Educational practices developed at present in primary care have helped professionals to rethink their practice and realize how important it is to incorporate mental health to daily work in family health units. But there is need for profound changes, both withregard to the restructuring of educational and methodological proposals that guide training courses in health (and permanent health education itself), as in their own health policies for practices are effectively incorporated into the work in primary care.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectSaúde Mental
dc.subjectEducação em Saúde
dc.subjectAtenção Primária à Saúde
dc.titleSaúde mental na atenção primária: a prática educativa como caminho para integralidade do cuidado
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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