Dissertação de Mestrado
O direito em disputa: uma etnografia na casa de Afonso Pena
Tiago Heliodoro Nascimento
This academic work is an ethnography fulfilled in the Faculdade de Direito e Ciências do Estado da UFMG (Law and Sciences of State school of Federal University of Minas Gerais state) between the beginning of 2015 and the first semester of 2016. Also called Vetusta Casa de Afonso Pena (old house of Afonso Pena), during this period, that college lived hard conflicts, dividing teachers, students and employees. The initial goal - to study the relation between Law and the Difference through an ethnography of the formal practices of Law education - was displaced during the fieldwork due these conflicts. Taunting for these experiences and understanding that the process of formation of future Law professionals could be thought beyond the formal educational frameworks, this work attributed centrality to the "house ideia" - feeling of home, reflecting about how the familiar origins, materialities of the building and the broad experiences in that college could be meaningful to the study about the field of Law.