Dissertação de Mestrado
Identificaçao de patologias em revestimentos cerâmicos de fachadas por meio de termografia
Fabiola Martins Mesquita Pereira Nunes
The use of non-destructive thermal evaluation (NDTE) is increasingly common mainly due to the non-intrusive and non-destructive nature of this technology, also the ease of operation of the equipment and reduced time to obtain the resulting images, which allows interpretation in loco. Infrared thermography is used to measure the surface temperature of different materials by means of capture of thermal radiation on the surface, and can be applied in various situations, as to detect objects in non-lit environments, identification of hidden defects, building inspections, among others. The use of thermography in facades analysis has some advantages, since there is no need to conduct tests directly in the coating (such as the percussion test, or the search for identification of a "hollow sound" in a ceramic coating system), which streamlines the evaluation process, and enables the evaluation of a large area in a single inspection. Pathologies related to the adherence of ceramic tile facades are common, and it is important to identify those, because they interfere in the architecture and durability of the building. The infrared thermography would be an option to identify such conditions, however, there are some parameters that need to be considered and may influence this technique (as the emissivity of the material, temperature, relative humidity and transmissivity of the medium). The purpose of this work is to identify and characterize injuries that occur on façades using active infrared thermography. In order to achieve this, samples of structural ceramic blocks were built using ceramic tile placed correctly and placed with purposely inserted defects. Such results were compared with those obtained by theoretical simulation. The results show that thermography can identify temperature differences relevant to the analysis of conditions, but due to the short analysis time after the laying of the coating, the conditions have not developed properly and thus have not been identified in this study