Dissertação de Mestrado
Implementação sistemática da regularização implícita para diagramas deFeynman a muitos laços
Adriano Lana Cherchiglia
Implicit Regularization (IR) is a consistent framework in momentum space to perform Feynman diagram calculations to arbitrary loop order. In this work we present a systematic implementation of this method that automatically displays the terms to be subtracted by Bogoliubov's recursion formula. Therefore, we achieve a twofold objective: we show that the IR program respects unitarity, locality and Lorentz invariance and that such method is consistent since we are able to display the divergent content of a multiloop amplitude in a well de fined set of basic divergent integrals in one loop momentum only which is the essence of IR. Moreover, we conjecture that momentum routing invariancein the loops, which has been shown to be connected with gauge symmetry, is a fundamental symmetry of any Feynman diagram in a renormalizable quantum field theory.