Dissertação de Mestrado
A cena invertida e a cena expandida: projetos de aprendizagem e formação colaborativas para o trabalho do ator
Clovis Domingos dos Santos
This research investigates the creation of projects and ways of artistic collaboration to the work of an actor. In a collective perspective of the theatrical creation, one sought to broaden the concept of collaboration with the study of two artistic groups: The group of Teatro Invertido and its experience with the Collaborative process and the Obscena grouping and its construction of a Collaborative network. In 2008, both artistic gathering performed specific projects in collaborative creation and this thesis analyzes how the new activities that focus on a technical, aesthetic and ethic preparation to the training and strengthen of an actor who is more propositional and authorial. Might they be new strategies to a group and network pedagogy? If research projects (on the contrary of projects of theatrical creation) were privileged by these artistic gathering, what might point out in this choices? The hypothesis is that it would be a desire to explore the new view upon the performances, what would happen via a collaborative learning. It would give a greater autonomy and expansion to the function of an actor, which is the purpose of the current research. Key