Dissertação de Mestrado
"Diagnóstico de eficiência energética de uma torre de resfriamento de água da Arcelormittal Inox Brasil"
Vagner Ferreira de Oliveira
The present paper addresses the application of an integral formulation model to calculate the performance parameter of each of the three cells of the MRP-L converter water cooling tower at ArcelorMittal Stainless Brazils Steel Shop. The tests were carried out during the beginning andthe end of the NOG silicon steel heats processed, which has a good share as compared to other steel grades, both due to its annual production frequency and to a higher temperature generatedduring its process. The performance coefficient, K.a., was calculated for each situation tested. The individual performance profile of each tower cell was calculated during MRP-L process phases. The potential gain resulting from electric power reduction was identified by means ofprocess data analysis. The use of frequency inverter on the tower fans and the tower shutdown period management as a function of MRP-L scheduled shutdowns answers affords an annual saving of approximately 9% of the total tower consumption, its means around kR$57 less then an annual cost.