dc.contributorMonica Mata Machado de Castro
dc.contributorBruno Pinheiro Wanderley Reis
dc.contributorMario Fuks
dc.contributorEdnaldo Aparecido Ribeiro
dc.contributorLucio Remuzat Renno Junior
dc.creatorRobert Bonifacio da Silva
dc.description.abstractThe research investigates the role of corruption in political participation among americans and caribbeans from theoretical and empirical analysis. The rounds of 2004, 2006-7, 2008, 2010 and 2012 of America´s Barometer are used. By discussion of studies on political participation, we suggest a definition and select up empirical indicators. The multidimensional nature of political participation is detected, with the presence of five distinct forms: community activism, electoral activism, contact with political and governmental actors, voter turnout and activism of protest. Two indicators of corruption are used: experience and intolerance with corruption. We note that intolerance is more frequently than experience. In statistical tests, we observe that experience with corruption has a positive effect on participation and that intolerance has a negative effect, being the predominant discordant results with the specialized literature.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCiência Política
dc.titleCorrupção e participação política nas Américas e no Caribe: 2004-2012
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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