Proposta de intervenção para reduzir os fatores de risco nos pacientes com hipertensão arterial da comunidade adscrita à Equipe de Saúde da Familia do Ramal 03 em Cruzeiro do Sul - Acre
Alexis Fernández Cardentey
Adequate follow-up and control of patients with hypertension should be a priority for professionals working in Primary Care in order to initiate early treatment and decrease cardiovascular adverse events. The situational diagnosis made in the area of coverage of the Health Team of the area of Ramal 03, in Cruzeiro do Sul pointed out a high index of people with hypertension. Thus, this study aimed to elaborate an intervention project to reduce the risk factors of hypertensive patients attended by the health team of Ramal 03, in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, based on educational actions. To do so, the steps of Strategic Situational Planning (PES) and bibliographic research were used in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), with the following descriptors: Family Health Strategy, hypertension and health education, in addition to the Ministry of Health Guidelines of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology. It is hoped that with the implementation of educational actions that hypertensive patients may have knowledge of the disease, the importance of correctly following the treatment and, therefore, greater control of the risk factors that are associated with Hypertension. It is also expected that these patients will have a better quality of life.