Monografia (especialização)
Programa educação para as águas do reservatório da Pampulha: uma análise dos resultados obtidos no período de 2002-2012.
Kênia Cristina Rodrigues
Between many environmental problems of today, the garbage is, without doubt, one of
the most worrying. Unsurprisingly in large urban centers that issue is even more serious
because the impacts of excess trash beyond the issue of insufficient space for the
accumulation of the same. In addition to this concern, the dump in inappropriate places,
and its disposal in aquatic environments, has resulted in the degradation of
environmental quality and water. This monograph presents an analysis of the
"Education Program for Pampulha Reservoir Water ", created in 2002, which aimed at
creating a network of mobilization and interaction among groups representing the local
community to promote environmental education. Many were the attempts to rescue the
reservoir, but over time it became clear that without the support of the community, this
goal could not be achieved. Between the years 2002 to 2012 the program in question
was able to reach about 80,000 people, mostly students of public schools. However also
runs into some difficulties, poorer schools that lack the resources to transport students to
the seat, are not met, the number of rooms properly equipped is small which limits
internal activities, and the scope of actions hindered by a lack of support materials, such
as booklets, "folders" and advertisements. The project, which had as its guiding
environmental education area, was developed through workshops, events,
environmental perception circuit, technical visits, seminars etc. One of the results of the
program was the creation of the CEA - Environmental Education Center - the city of
Belo Horizonte, where they developed various environmental education activities,
aimed at different audiences, and seeking to encourage changes in behavior and
improving the environmental quality of entire basin Pampulha. Besides the creation of
CEA, the program contributed to the expansion of knowledge in the area of
environmental education, trying to build so positive actions for the environment.