dc.contributorMarlusa Gosling
dc.contributorFabio Roberto Ferreira Borges
dc.creatorAmanda Amorim Martins
dc.description.abstractThis paper reports the study of motivation in a sales team. The motivational theories of Maslow, Hezberg and Victor Vroom, the latter being the most prominent and study, were presented on this study. Realized that the theory of Victor Vroom Expectancy, has greater applicability in the organizational environment, because it is a cognitive theory which states that motivation is the result of values, expectations and instrumentality of the individual. To measurement of motivational factors, was applied Motivation Inventory and the Meaning of Work (IMST). This instrument was developed by Brazilian authors and has scientific validity, its construction was based on theories about the meaning of work and the theory presented. For this work we applied a questionnaire (internal and external employees) of a group of motorcycle dealerships. The results demonstrated that the responsibility and financial reward are the most influential factors sample and that they believe that through their effort can achieve such results.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectMotivação em vendas
dc.subjectTeoria da expectância
dc.titleMotivação em vendas: pesquisa sobre indicadores de motivação
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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