Tese de Doutorado
Planejamento municipal de saneamento por convicção ou por obrigação?: uma avaliação das implicações em Penápolis/SP e Itapira/SP
Severina Sarah Lisboa
The legal framework of water and sanitation in Brazil was defined by Law 11.445/2007, calling the attention of the sector for the promotion of a planned management from the preparing plans. Besides the preparation of the National Sanitation Plan (PANSAB), several municipal initiatives in order to follow the legal directions have been identified. With plans prepared, municipalities become eligible to receive government funding and improve the care and quality of service delivery. However, the effectiveness of planning is not guaranteed by the mere existence of the plan formalized in legislation, but is correlated with other factors such as those studied in this thesis. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the factors that motivated the development of municipal plans for water and sanitation and its effectiveness in changing sanitary situation. In this sense, it is understood that the plan guided by factors related to the conviction of the benefits to be achieved by investing in planned actions tend to have higher effectiveness of the plan guided by the obligation to follow the law. Other considerations expand the dimensions involved, starting to also consider the planning process developed and content of the plan developed. This research was conducted through a comparative case study between the Municipal Environment Sanitation Plan of Penápolis and the Basic Sanitation Plan of Itapira, both towns located in the state of São Paulo, whose plans were finalized. Qualitative methodology was used to analyze the implications of different motivations on the effectiveness of the plans. Data collection was conducted through written documents and interviews with actors involved in the planning process. Data were evaluated from content analysis using the technique of categorization by associating the categories created with the assumptions and objectives of the research. The results point to important issues for discussion on the effectiveness of municipal planning and public policy of water and sanitation. The paper presents information that supports the fact that motivation affects the effectiveness of the plan, as the plan developed by conviction tends to be more effective than prepared for obligation. Are also identified other issues related to the effectiveness of planning as a direct relation to social participation and involvement of effective representatives of municipal government, as well as factors that have less interference in the improvement of municipal sanitation as the content of the plan and methodological aspects.