Tese de Doutorado
A Chancela de Paisagem Cultural Brasileira e sua contextualização no Vale do Jequitinhonha: a constituição identitário-regional da emergência quilombola e o patrimônio vivido do sítio histórico-geográfico de Alto dos Bois
Ludimila de Miranda Rodrigues
Minas Gerais has a diversity of Cultural Landscapes of great relevance and significance in the national context, among which stand out the landscapes of the Jequitinhonha Valley, a region that marks the historical-cultural formation of the Brazilian territory. It is worth mentioning that its landscapes show the diversity and complexity of the relationships that make up a rich regional sociocultural amalgam and, since its formation, encompasses indigenous communities, quilombolas, peasants, and artisans, among other nuclei that build and provide the singularity of these landscapes. Many of these complexities are still present today in processes of construction and reconstruction of the cultural identity of communities, which are mostly linked to the dimensions of power that are configured there, as is the case with the various quilombola communities (maroons) in the cut in question . Thus, this work aims to understand how the conceptions of cultural landscape, at different scales of analysis, could contribute to the recognition and valorization of the Jequitinhonha Valley as a Brazilian Cultural Landscape. And in order to investigate the scalar constructions and interactions of these landscapes, we have privileged the study of the quilombola communities protagonism in the Valley, at the present, prominently in Capelinha micro-region. Based on the understanding that such landscapes are conceived in the field of lived space, we have carried out, in particular, an investigation of this construction of the landscape in the historicalcultural site of Alto dos Bois, which, like the Jequitinhonha Valley, carries in its formation diverse socio-cultural elements that make it an emblematic place of this unique cultural landscape. We have started from the ethnogeographical method, for which geography must dialogue with the geographical knowledge of everyday life, scientific and the experience / perception of the environment. For this, we have carried out as methodological tools: bibliographical, cartographic and documentary survey of the Cultural Landscapes, theoretically and empirically (within the framework of the processes of seal of the landscape already in progress in the national context); toponymic survey; semistructured meetings and interviews; iconographic records; mental maps; life reports and other strategies associated with participatory mapping, more specifically, in the quilombola community of Alto dos Bois.