dc.contributorEvelyne Jeanne A A M D Madureira
dc.contributorTeresa Cristina Wachowicz
dc.contributorMario Alberto Perini
dc.creatorCarolina Dias Cunha
dc.description.abstractThis paper studies the singular behavior of experiential and beneficiary verbs concerning the property of ergativity, more specifically the observation of the conditions that allow the causative-ergative alternation and how it happens. Basing on the Theory of Variation and Linguistic Change, 24 interviews with informants from Belo Horizonte were carried out, resulting in a corpus of 1,419 occurrences. The data analysis allowed to verify the most frequent structures of the collected verbs (analytic and synthetic constructions) and through the analysis of such structures, a qualitative analysis was proposed in order to find out the types of structures developed by the different verb classes. In this part of the analysis the idiosyncratic behaviors of each verb class allowed to point out the relevance of the lexical item. Once identified theverbs which accept the causative-ergative alternation, the ergative structures were analyzed considering the use of the pronoun. The analysis of the use of the pronoun also considered extralinguistic factors such as gender, age and formal education.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectrelação sintaxe-semântica
dc.subjectAlternância causativo-ergativa
dc.subjectclítico se
dc.subjectitens lexicais
dc.titleO comportamento dos predicadores experienciais e beneficiários perante a alternância Causativo-Ergativa: a frequência de uso do clítico "se", as realizações morfológicas e os ítens lexicais
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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