Monografia (especialização)
Viabilidade de implantação de sistema fotovoltaico e de aproveitamento de água pluvial para estabelecimento assistencial de saúde a partir de critérios AQUA
Ludmila Cardoso Fagundes Mendes
The functioning of health care establishments generates several environmental
impacts. In this scenario, there are several sustainable measures that can be applied
to civil construction, in order to reduce building use impacts to the environment. The
goal of this paper is studying the feasibility for the implantation of Photovoltaic
System and Rainwater Utilization System in a construction that houses two health
care establishments, based on AQUA Certification’s criteria of performance
evaluation. The method consisted of studies for the estimation of energy and water
consumption, besides the measurement of the two systems and respective payback
calculations. The photovoltaic system showed a satisfactory economy, which may be
higher, since consumption was estimated for summer days, when there are higher
energy expenditures. The two systems showed a short-term return on investment.
The comparison between the results found and the AQUA Certification’s criteria
showed that the photovoltaic system implantation reaches the excellent level. The
rainwater exploitation system reaches only the good level, but due to the reasonable
cost of installation and the short-term return on investments, the study considered
interesting to implement the system regardless of the performance level achieved.