Dissertação de Mestrado
Ninguém aprende samba no colégio?: música na escola, um diálogo entre culturas
Rita de Cássia Cândido
The aim of this research was to investigate social interactions established between a school music teacher and his students, to understand specifically the factors that led to the development of creative musical work of these students in the classroom. Were surveyed children between 8 and 9 years-old, in two classrooms, a 3rd and a 4th grade of an elementary school, both in a private school in Belo Horizonte/MG. The development of the research had as theoretical-methodological approach the Group of Studies and Research of Historical-Cultural Psychology (GEPSA), of the Faculty of Education in Federal University of Minas Gerais (FAE/UFMG) and the Interactional Ethnography, proposed by the Classroom Discussion Group of the Santa Barbara Classroom Discourse Group (SBCDG). We consider classrooms as spaces for building cultures and we used participant observation as the main methodological tool, for being one of the most important sources of information in qualitative research, especially in the Education area. Therefore to think music in the school situation meant to promote a dialogue between cultures, which broadens and expands listening to the cultural diversity present in the school community. The concept of creativity in music education adopted was based on the dialectical perspective of knowledge construction of Historical-Cultural Psychology which considers creativity as all human achievement that creates something new, modifies the present and projects the future. The theme proposed here was justified by being inserted in the current context of the return of compulsory music education in Brazilian schools, established by Law No. 11.769/2008, which makes it appropriate to discuss about what music education we want to provide our children and youths. The data analysis of this study showed that the teacher worked with autonomy in an environment where there was physical and psychological appropriate space for teaching music. He was involved in his teaching practice, socialized his knowledge and made an important mediation between musical activities and students. The recreational resources used in class were very important to the quality of the links established. Mediations between teacher and students and among students themselves gave meaning to individual and collective experiences, enabling the implementation of an effective creative process. Thus we bethink: the song Feitio de Oração, by Noel Rosa and Vadico, which inspired the title of this dissertation, states that no one learns samba at school. We questioned this assertion, suggesting that this reality can be different. As we see here, yes we can learn samba and/or any other popular musical style in school.