dc.contributorBernardo Machado Gontijo
dc.contributorVilma Lucia Macagnan Carvalho
dc.contributorUrsula Ruchkys de Azevedo
dc.contributorLuiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos
dc.creatorYuri Okawara Stavale
dc.description.abstractThe status of speleological protection has been affected mainly by relevant changes in Brazilian legislation. This fact causes a significant impact on the amount of caves in the territory. Faced with that comes the urgent need for studies on this heritage, as well as adoption of effective and efficient protection strategies. The study area chosen was theBiosphere Reserve of the Espinhaço for its rather broad limits, covering important speleological provinces in the State of Minas Gerais, such as the Bambuí Group, the Iron Quadrangle Karst Region and the Salinas Formation. Using the concept of geoconservation as the basis of this research, the general objective was to identify and spatialize the speleological patrimony of the RBSE, select and describe some geosites based on the framework of geoconservation, considering its physical, biological, historical and scenic characteristics, amongst other factors. With that, it is expected that these areas are contemplated byconservation strategies that can somehow equate the conflict use versus conservation. The specific objectives this research aims to are: 1) to analyze the speleological heritage regarding location of lithology, priority areas for conservation, Protected Areas and biomes within theRBSE; 2) suggest conservation strategies for the speleological heritage; 3) contribute to the preservation of speleological heritage. In order to achieve these goals the following methodological procedures were followed: (i) bibliographical research pertinent to the themeand characterization of the area of study; (ii) supplying already existent database (CANIE / CECAV); (iii) speleological context of the study area, (iv) selection of geosites to be studied; (v) developing criteria for identifying geosites; and (vi) description of geosites. After the finalscreening, 11 RBSE speleological geosites were appointed, four of which, one of them by associated lithology, were described: Gruta do Salitre in quartzite lithology, Serra do Gandarela caves in iron ore lithology, the caves of the western edge of Serra do Cipo (CipoMountain Range) in marble lithology and Monjolos caves in limestone lithology. Notes have also been made regarding conservation strategies for geosites described.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPatrimônio espeleológico
dc.subjectReserva da Biosfera da Serra do Espinhaço
dc.titleEspacialização do patrimônio espeleológico da Reserva da Biosfera da Serra do Espinhaço: geossítios selecionados e sua importância para a geoconservação
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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