Monografia (especialização)
Projeto de intervenção: inserção de rodas de conversa no processo de vinculação das gestantes referenciadas a Maternidade Dr. Moura Tapajoz
Valéria Bentes de Almeida
Law No. 11.634 / 2007 delegates to SUS the responsibility of the attachment of the pregnant woman to the maternity in which the delivery will take place, from the beginning of prenatal care. The identification of the fragility of the process of attachment, coupled with the small number of patients involved in the delivery at the Municipal Maternity Hospital Dr. Raimundo Moura Tapajoz, aroused interest in actively participating in the visits, for understanding that besides being one of the guidelines of the Stork Network and often the mother's first contact with Maternity, is the precursor of the guarantee of rights, reduction of pilgrimage, communication strategy between the Network of Attention and consequent reduction of maternal and child mortality. The moment of the attachment visit becomes a fundamental opportunity in the reception of this pregnant woman, reduction of anxiety and intensification of the
educational process, being able to be a strategy to qualify the moment of reception and accompaniment of this woman in the period of parturition. The objective of this project was to insert conversation wheels in the process of linking to the pregnant women
referred to the Maternity Dr. Moura Tapajoz. The target audience were pregnant women with prenatal care, who are attending the linking, chaperones and servers in the Municipal Maternity Hospital Dr. Moura Tapajoz who participate in the reception of
related parturients. The methodological strategy adopted in the project was based on the creation of a multiprofessional team and insertion of conversation wheels in the linkage visit, from June to August 2017. Five conversation wheels were carried out, with a total
of 31 pregnant women and their companions. As a main result, we have the perception about the real information needs of the pregnant women, highlighting as subjects: Obstetric violence, Lack of Vacancy, Companion Law, Indication of cesarean delivery
and Family Planning, pointing to the need to readjust standardized guidelines in the process of linking the unit.