dc.contributorInez Maria Tenório
dc.creatorWyara da Silva do Espírito Santo
dc.description.abstractThe obstetric care has undergone important changes in the world over the past decades. A landmark of such changes was the launch by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1985, the document called Appropriate Technologies for Labor and Delivery that featured technologies that should be adopted in caring for women during childbirth according to the best evidence available. This document promoted the adoption of best practices, based on scientific evidence, for the conduct of labor and delivery. However, in Brazil, the use of interventions in childbirth care remains high and largely takes place inappropriately. This intervention project emerges from these considerations and the observation of work processes that are not consistent with good obstetric practices in a public hospital in the interior of Pernambuco. The main goal is to intervene in the care in obstetrics, with the adoption of good practices based on scientific evidence , aiming to qualify the comprehensive , interdisciplinary care for women during childbirth , the postpartum and newborn care It will be held at 9-month period, with use of active methodology, through forums and workshops, with all 37 nurses and 13 nursing home residents involved in the process of care in pregnancy and childbirth and newborn care. The evaluation and project monitoring will take place from the application of the workshops up to 1 year after the end of these, the method used is observational, both provided by the professional assistance , as received by the woman and will take place during and after the implementation of the proposed action plan. So it will be possible to know the real importance of the topic and the impact on the result.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherCurso de Especialização em Enfermagem Obstétrica - Rede Cegonha
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectParto humanizado
dc.subjectEnfermagem obstétrica
dc.subjectBem-estar materno
dc.titleImplantação do cuidado alinhado às boas práticas obstétricas em uma maternidade pública do interior de Pernambuco
dc.typeMonografia (especialização)

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