dc.contributorVanicleia Silva Santos
dc.contributorLuiz Duarte Haele Arnaut
dc.contributorJosé Augusto Nunes da Silva Horta
dc.creatorFelipe da Silveira Malacco
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation consists on the analysis of social, political, cultural and economic changes from the inhabitants of the banks of Gambia River Fula, Mandinga and Jalofo to the Atlantic Trade in the period between 1580 and 1630. For that purpose, it was used the voyage description of André Álvares Almada, written in 1594, Richard Jobson, written in 1621, André Donelha, written in 1625 and Pieter Van den Broecke written in 1630, besides missionary letters and administrative documentation from the Cape Verde Islands referring to the period between 1580 and 1630 ( the last two documentation was published in Monumenta Missionária Africana, collected by priest Antonio Brásio). Moreover, this research wants to answer what were the products of Atlantic circulation in Gambia River, as well as the ports where the trade occurred in that River. Analyzing the agents who participated in this trade, it sought to also discuss commercial protagonism of Fula, Mandinga and Jalofos in relation to European traders.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectMandingas e Jalofos
dc.subjectComércio Atlântico
dc.subjectAgência Africana
dc.subjectRio Gâmbia
dc.titleO Gâmbia no mundo atlântico: fulas, jalofos e mandingas no comércio global moderno (1580-1630)
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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