| Dissertação de Mestrado
Sistema construtivo em paredes de concreto para edifícios: dimensionamento da estrutura e aspectos construtivos
Leandro Faria Carvalho
This paper seeks to present the construction system in cast in place concrete walls and its peculiarities. Concrete walls perform as a sealing system as well as a structural system in a building, since the loads arising from horizontal and vertical acts are absorbed by walls and slabs, distributed throughout the building until the foundation. The standard ABNT NBR 16055:2012 Cast in place concrete walls for the construction of buildings will be presented and detailed for better understanding. This standard sets the basic requirements requested for concrete walls built in loco, with removable forms. It applies to walls subjected to axial load, with or without flexion, concreted with all the elements that will be part of the final building (such as details of the building facade, distributed and localized reinforcements, besides hydraulic and electrical installation). This paper also intends to present the constructive aspects with the best practices for the realization of structures for cast in place concrete walls, from the foundation to the completion of the building. This construction system allows a greater flexibility in the overall construction of the building, because, after the wall is unmolded, it is ready to be painted without the need for grout. In the architectural aspect, the walls of the facade and the ones outside the building can be built with molds with details of moldings or drawings without the need for coating, only painting. In order to apply the concepts of ABNT NBR 16055:2012, an example was made ten-storey building. The building has been designed with horizontal and vertical loads and, by the results of efforts, the reinforcement were dimensioned.